All prices are per case, not per spool. This size spool is sold 4 spool per case.
Spool Weight: 11 Lb.
Spool Type is P5R
Wire diameter sizes come in the following: 0.008" 0.010" 0.012"
Wire Rigidity:
- Soft or half-hard brass EDM wire : 490 n/mm²
- Hard brass EDM wire : 900 n/mm²
ISO9002 Certified Wire
This wire is used for precise cutting applications.
Composition: 60% copper / 40% zinc
Tensile Str.: Hard (900 n/mm²), Soft (490 n/mm²)
Conductivity Rating: 23%IACS
Elongation: Hard (≤3%), Soft (≤15%)
Coating: None
This is not your typical brass EDM wire. CutWise Premium Brass Wire is a high performance based wire that performs much better than the typical high speed wire that is Cu/Zn=60/40. CutWise EDM hard brasss wire outperforms many of the other brands in every aspect. Not only will it cut faster than the typical wire, it will burn cleaner which also saves you money when it comes to your other EDM consumables such as EDM filters and EDM guides.
When choosing your wire, be sure to choose between hard brass EDM wire or Soft (Half-hard) EDM wire. Depending on the job different degrees of rigid EDM brass wire are required. Double check your choices when choosing your wire, because we offer CutWise premium brass wire comes in both options through ProSource and Edmstore.com
This is a premium hard brass wire that is not paraffin coated and usable in any EDM machine that uses HB (hard brass) wire. This hard brass wire is OEM standard or better and each spool is inspected for quality before being shipped. The composition of the wire is Cu/Zn=65/35 and is a very clean burning wire for precision cuts.
Please be sure to check out the EDM diamond guides related to your machine from ProSource to insure your machine runs the best it can all the time.
Search: b0805P12, B0805P22, B1005P12, B1005P22, B1205P12, B1205P22, Max Cut, Maxcut
- Quantity Per Case:
- 4
- Weight / Spool:
- 11 lb.
- Spool:
- P5R
- ISO9002 Certified:
- Yes
- Composition:
- CuZn (60% / 40%)
- Coating:
- No Coating
- Color:
- Gold
FIne Product
We tried out a spool of this wire and was pleasantly surprised when it worked very well. We thought we would be buying an inferior wire, but I guess you never know till you try it.
Wire Works Perfectly
Was skeptical when I first saw this wire, but decided to give it a try. The wire worked great and was even better than most of the other wire I purchased in the past. Definitely recommend this wire and it is definitely well worth the price.